Meet Deanna Wheeler: She's Answering a Calling Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness

Deanna Wheeler's calling is to help others- and she's doing it by teaching meditation and mindfulness.

Jul 17, 2024

Free At 50 Tips on the How-To’s of Personal Branding: A Lesson From Thomas Jefferson

You can learn personal branding from Thomas Jefferson- here's how his words can inspire step one on the Free At 50 list of how-to's!

Apr 10, 2024

Feeling Anxious? Here are 10 Free At 50 Posts You Can Use Today to Boost Productivity and Get Focused as an Entrepreneur.

Are you feeling anxiety and overwhelm as an entrepreneur? These Free At 50 posts will boost your productivity and give you focus.

Mar 27, 2024

Spring Clean Your Health: 6 Benefits and a 4-Step Recipe to Prioritize Nutrition and Fuel Your 9-5 Escape

Spring clean your health! Or do it anytime. The Nourishing Gurus share the benefits and their recipe to prioritize nutrition on your 9-5 escape.

Mar 13, 2024

Be Prepared: 4 Steps to Simplify Social Media as an Entrepreneur

When it comes to social media, are you as prepared as a Boy Scout? Use these 4 steps to simplify social media.

Feb 07, 2024

3 Ways to Celebrate Wins as an Entrepreneur Because it's the Free At 50 Word of the Year.

Do you celebrate your wins? As the creator of the Free At 50 blog, I decided to make WINS my word of the year.

Jan 24, 2024

December 29th is "Still Need To Do" Day: Let's Turn it Upside Down and Focus on Long Term Goals

Let's turn National Still Need To Do Day upside down and make the end of the year stress-free for entrepreneurs.

Dec 27, 2023

The Secret to Being Productive: Your Brain Dump To-Do List

Do you brain dump? It's my secret to being productive and I'm sharing how to do it!

Dec 13, 2023

How to Invest as an Entrepreneur to Achieve Your Life Goals: A Guest Post from an Expert Advisor

Investing looks different after leaving 9-5 life so learning how to invest as an entrepreneur is important in achieving your life goals.

Nov 08, 2023

Hitting Information Overload Day Head-on as We Celebrate Free at 50’s 3rd Year

Celebrate the Free At 50 birthday by taking action and hitting National Information Overload Day head-on!

Oct 18, 2023

Grab Your Pumpkin Spice Latte and Update Your Business To-Do List: Powerful October Ideas for Entrepreneurs

It's pumpkin spice time which means it's October! Let's take a moment for planning your business growth with some ideas for entrepreneurs.

Sep 27, 2023

RV Life is Good: Just Ask Stacey of the Chipmunk's RV Life Blog!

Stacy is experiencing freedom at 50 and beyond, because RV life is good and she is traveling, blogging, and enjoying every moment!

Sep 18, 2023

Jobs That Allow Travelers to Do What You Love

It might take time, but you can turn passion into a business, including a passion for travel!

Sep 06, 2023

Free at 50 Blog’s 2023 Summer Interview Series: Roxeanne Overcame Adversity- Read About Her Journey to Healing

Getting healthy was the start to Roxeanne's new business and living a location independent life. It's about passion!

Aug 30, 2023

Free At 50 Blog's 2023 Summer Interview Series: Angie Aki Left Corporate Life and Hasn't Looked Back

Angie Aki left corporate life at age 40 and hasn't looked back. Transitioning from pharmaceutical sales to real estate investment, she is living her dream.

Aug 27, 2023

Free at 50 Blog’s 2023 Summer Interview Series: How Ann Hooper Pivoted Her Business

How do you get to be in control of your life? Starting a business, and pivoting when you need to. Learn how successful entrepreneurs think.

Aug 16, 2023

3 Reasons Why I Don’t Want a 7-Figure Income: My 2023 Freedom Post

What is living Free At 50? Read the 2023 time freedom post and I'll tell you why I don't want a 7-figure income.

Jun 28, 2023

Free at 50 Blog's 2023 Summer Interview Series: Lola Bailey Tells Her Story, It's Her Business

Lola went from the pharmaceutical industry to self-employed! She is a storyteller telling her story in this interview.

Jun 14, 2023

Free At 50 Blog's 2023 Summer Interview Series: Meredith is a Business Coach Leading by Example, Follow Her!

The 2023 Summer Interview Series on Free At 50 is here! Learn how successful entrepreneurs like Meredith Van Ness think!

Jun 07, 2023

6 Links to Understand and Achieve a Growth Mindset: Free At 50's Recommendations

How do you get a growth mindset? It's vital if you want to change your life! This post shares the best resources for you.

May 26, 2023

Social Media Strategy: 3 Elements Identified by an Expert to Help Entrepreneurs

It's true. Social media is no longer an option for business. Create a social media strategy!

Apr 26, 2023

7 Simple Ways to Spring Clean Your Business: Priorities for an Entrepreneur.

Spring cleaning your business can be easy! Use these 7 tips, the Free At 50 priorities for entrepreneurs.

Mar 26, 2023

5 Motivational Quotes for Entrepreneurs Explained in Terms of Time Freedom: Believe in Tomorrow and Always Live Like it's Spring

Need some spring-like motivation? Free At 50 blog shares and explains 5 motivational quotes for entrepreneurs in blog post.

Mar 16, 2023

When a Conversation on Facebook about Work Inspires a Blog Post for Free At 50

I was chatting with a friend on Facebook about turning his passion into a business and how that makes working Saturday different! It's about time freedom.

Feb 13, 2023

2 Truths and a Lie: Let's Discuss Working on Call 24/7 or Ditching the 9-5

Taking the 2 Truths and a Lie game and applying it to working on call 24/7 vs. ditching the 9-5!

Feb 02, 2023

Making the Right Decision in Life: When to Quit Your Job and Build your Next Chapter Based on Time Freedom

Right is right. Making the right decision in life about when to quit your job for time freedom is something you will do.

Jan 12, 2023

6 Secrets to Home Office Organization You Can Implement Today

Get 6 secrets for organizing your home office! Be productive and motivated in your space.

Dec 27, 2022

How to Find Free Resources for Your Business

Did you know there are free resources for your business? Use them. Start here.

Dec 14, 2022

Being Organized in Business is Important for an Entrepreneur: 5 Tips for 2024

Being organized in business is important -it's why I love the Epic Blog planner! Here are my 5 tips for being organized in 2023.

Dec 07, 2022

Use Your Brain! Begin the Journey to Leaving 9-5 Life: Learn 3 Powerful Steps to Shift Your Mindset from a Certified Meditation Teacher

Your brain plays a role in leaving 9-5 life. Shift your mindset using these 3 powerful steps from a certified mediation teacher focused on mindfulness.

Nov 30, 2022

How Discovering Your True Purpose Makes it Easier to Escape the 9-5 Life

Learn how discovering your purpose makes it easier to escape the 9-5 life, leaving corporate America behind.

Nov 09, 2022

Free At 50 is a Lifestyle, Not an Age: Turning 52 and Still Blogging-Determined to Stay Out of the 9-5!

Are you determined to stay out of the 9-5? Want inspiration to get on the path out of the 9-5? Start here with the Free At 50 lifestyle.

Oct 12, 2022

Why Podcasts are Important: The Free At 50 World Recommends the 11 Best Podcasts You Should Listen to Soon

Podcasts are important! See why and get 11 recommendations of what you should listen to from the Free At 50 world.

Sep 28, 2022

Imperfect Action: Embrace it for Life Outside the 9-5 with Less Hustle and More Flow

Embracing the concept of imperfect action is a critical thing to do if you plan to escape the 9-5.

Apr 29, 2021

Building a Business Online And Moving Across the Country: 4 Ways to Ensure Productivity

Moving across the country is always a big deal. Doing it while building a business online makes it tougher so here are 4 ways to help.

Feb 09, 2021

Ditch the 9-5 Mindset of Gen X and Semi-Retire: Let's Discuss Escaping the Groundhog Day of Corporate Life

If your professional life feels like Groundhog Day, it might be time to design a lifestyle based on professional freedom.

Feb 03, 2021

The Free at 50 Groove Review: Why You Need This Platform for Success as an Online Entrepreneur

A product review of Groove: an all in one platform, can grow your business business online with hosting, video storage, email automation and more!

Oct 05, 2022

Taking the Leap on Linked In: My Gift to Myself

Changing your Linked In profile is taking a big leap! It's a gift to yourself if you've left the 9-5 and ditched corporate titles.

Dec 23, 2020

Frazzled but Hopeful: Building My Toolkit

Something entrepreneurs need: a toolkit. I'm sharing how I'm building my toolkit of resources the Free At 50 way.

Jun 03, 2023

Break the 9-5 Tradition and Own Your Time: Get Professional Freedom and Enjoy a Location Independent Lifestyle

It is ok to quit corporate life and escape the tradition of 9-5 many of us were brought up to believe was mandatory for success.

Aug 14, 2021