Unlocking the Secret Sauce: How to Turn Facebook Groups into Your Business's New Best Friend in 2024!

Unlocking the Secret Sauce: How to Turn Facebook Groups into Your Business's New Best Friend in 2024!

Jun 02, 2023

Facebook is a big deal for bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

As I update this 2021 post in February of 2024, I'm struck immediately at the impact Facebook has had on my Free At 50 blog! And even on my new hobby blog about American history. I'm actively using it to grow my business in 2024.

Organic traffic to the blog surpassed Facebook as the top referral source every month since January 2023, so learning and understanding SEO (search engine optimization) is paying off.

BUT: utilizing Facebook groups still remains a core strategy for building my brand and meeting the right people on my entrepreneurial journey.

Disclosure: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share, but it does not change your price.

In fact, I met Margaret Bourne on Facebook, creator of my favorite courses and e-books for bloggers!

coffee and books to learn how to grow your business online

Photo by Irina Rybcko on Unsplash

Why I use Facebook daily to grow my business.

I happily left corporate life but do miss the comaraderie.

If you've read the "about me" section on my homepage or scanned some of my posts, you know that I quit corporate life: happily. I don't miss it.

What I do miss about having a traditional "job" so to speak: day-to-day contact with people because it's necessary.

While the lack of daily interaction is often something I love about professional freedom (I admit I'm an introvert), there is a value to it, and it is necessary for bloggers and all online entrepreneurs to find people.

missing people as you work to become an entrepreneur and ditch the 9-5 setting

Image by Aksel Lian from Pixabay

Social media gets a bad rap, but not for growing a business.

I get why: so much negativity driving anxiety, so much information it is overwhelming to figure out what is true, what to focus on etcetera.

However, in my new life blogging, I have seen a whole other side of all the platforms, but Facebook especially. Facebook groups have given me a whole new perspective.

I've met some amazing people on in Facebook groups. And I have this in common with them: most are at home working solo, attempting to improve their lives through creation of an online business and have the goal to steer clear of the 9-5 I've left.

These people I've met do not have an IT department, a breakroom, a manager, or a co-worker to seek support and advice from.

Facebook is helping me build a support system of like-minded people, who are on the journey I am or have way more experience than me and can point me in the right direction.

working alone without corporate support to build your business

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

How to use Facebook to grow your business.

Choose Facebook groups that make sense for you and for growing your business this year.

There are quite a few groups I've joined and dropped, and many I've stuck with. Here's a breakdown of how I select them. Some are specific to my niche and others to succeeding in my endeavor to be a full-time blogger.

  1. Choose groups in your niche.
  2. Choose groups to learn from.
  3. Choose groups to promote your business.

Sometimes there will be crossover, but not always. Have a purpose with the groups you choose, pin them (use the 3 dots near the top right of the page), and engage regularly.

Let's break it down using examples in my niche: sharing tools and resources for 9-5 escape, as a blogger.

1- Groups in-niche. Why?

  • Collaboration opportunities.
  • Another way to find out what's on-topic and relevant at the moment.

I've grown a solid friendship with Dr. Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey, whose group focuses on 9-5 escape. Like me, she left the corporate world and wants to support others on the journey out. We've collaborated and her content is unique (she and I are different of course!) but on-topic to my niche.

Painting Your Path: Clarissa's brand is on-point- she is an artist (she paints!) focused on helping others "paint their path" for the future. If you're reading this post, working on 9-5 escape and are a creative, her group is one to join.

2- Groups to learn from. I have several I use regularly.

For blogging:

The Blog it Better Society: Margaret Bourne, is a coach and online strategist who provides courses to help you excel. Her outstanding Facebook group supports collaboration and connection. She puts up daily opportunities like this one for bloggers to work together to grow.

Bold Beginner Bloggers: Anjali Kay is also a blogging coach whose expertise I value. so much so that I use her digital planner and have become an affiliate for her as well. Her group takes a different approach than Margaret's and I need both in my life!

For social media:

Reaching Your Audience: Organic Marketing for Small Business Entrepreneurs: Lindsey White of Magenta Strategies helps you set social media goals but also does trainings on the regular. If you're looking for accountability as well as support and education, her group is for you.

Social Media Success for Business: Meagan Rose is passionate about using social media to grow your business - I even interviewed her in my Facebook Group to share 6 tips for promoting on social media without ads (watch the video here). She dives in deep on her posts, giving you solid tips on using social media.

3- Groups to promote your business.

Some groups are fully focused on allowing promotion - it seems. But digging deeper (IE investing in the resources offered by the group's creator) will get you beyond promotion, which is vital, and into learning opportunities.

The Social Salad Society: created to support all kinds of online entrepreneurs. Sydney runs this group with authenticity and integrity, truly bringing value to those who jump on. She shares resources for successful use of social media to grow your business and offers opportunities for all of us to support each other. In fact, she has a whole support program with membership created as well as a la carte options like the Facebook group-building course I'm taking.

To get the course I took and check out the month-to-month, cancel anytime program, click here.

Women Entrepreneurs: Marketing Mindset Growing Your Online Business: Yes, my audience also includes men- it's really about GenXers wanting a midlife reset, but I've definitely found value in this group filled with women.

Tracey Fletcher is a digital marketing specialist and her group is one I've chosen to invest in as a VIP member.

What does this mean?

  • I get access to special trainings, templates, and other resources.
  • I have the ability to go live in her group every week, as well as post every day, offering value and promoting this blog, as well as my 3-2-1 offer.

You can use my affiliate link to join her VIP program by clicking here.

There are SO MANY groups with so many nuances.

Get on Facebook and search for ones that suit you. Ultimately, it's about finding people you connect with and group Administrators/Founders that bring you value.

Find the right fit, the right community, and the right people.

putting the puzzle pieces together in using Facebook groups to build your business

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

Closing it out: be authentic online to grow your business with Facebook in 2024 and beyond!

The value of Facebook for me, is to enhance what I'm writing about in the Free At 50 blog.

I use both Facebook groups and a business page.

By following the Free At 50 Facebook page, you'll get links and updates not just for this blog, but to resources I've come across that are right in line with the concept of FreeAt50: getting out of corporate (or whatever 9-5 job you are in) and designing the lifestyle you want. We have limited time on this planet and we need to enjoy as many moments as we can with with people we want to be around.

With my Facebook page, I'm not straying from the FreeAt50 mission of inspiration and resources to attain professional freedom. The information I post and links I share all have a common thread. (It's my intention anyway!)

Adding my Ditching the 9-5 Facebook group later made sense.

The important thing about engaging in Facebook groups, creating a business page, or a Facebook group: stay authentic to your niche and to your brand.

  • Don't try to speak to everyone, speak to your target audience, your followers, those who are on the page for the description in your "about" section.
  • Show you're a human: use behind-the-scenes posts and wish people the best on holidays- it's not always about business and sales.

Facebook works for me for education, connections, and building the FreeAt50 brand. I hope this quick read gives you some ideas and leads you to even more success!

#TreatYourself and join my group ASAP to get started!

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treat yourself  treat me buy me a coffee if you enjoy the free at 50 blog

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash