The Fastest Way to Repurpose Content for Social Media is Video

The Fastest Way to Repurpose Content for Social Media is Video

Feb 04, 2024

The Why: Introduction to 4 Ws and an H to reveal how video is the fastest way to repurpose your content on social media.

I'm mixing up the 5 w's of writing into a post that makes sense for sharing my content. LOL. But seriously, I'm dropping a short and sweet post based on an impromptu video I did yesterday in my Ditching the 9-5 Facebook group. Why the video? It's celebrating "simplifying social media" month (my designation) with an easy-to-implement strategy.

In January I created a poll in the community and found out that "advance planning social media" was a clear pain point for members.

Thus, my focused theme of the group for February, 2024 and never going out of style: Simplifying Social Media. It only makes sense to stick with the theme as I publish posts on the blog.

Repurposing for a larger audience. See how I did that?

That is the why. Let's get on with it- the what, how, when, and where of using video for repurposing your content on social media. And doing it FAST.

Disclosure: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share, but it does not change your price.

use video to repurpose your content for social media and do it from anywhere

Photo by Linda Xu on Unsplash

The What: Choose your content to repurpose into a video.

We're all familiar with repurposing "stuff" into "things." DIY, saving vintage items, and even here in my hometown of Colonial Williamsburg I've learned about how 18th century Americans had gunsmiths melt down brass to be used on their rifles and guns!

But how about CONTENT? Yes, you can repurpose the best content you've created and share it all over social media.

For example:

  • I wrote a blog post awhile back sharing the 3 best reasons to invest in yourself.
  • As a VIP member of Tracey Fletcher's Facebook group for female entrepreneurs, I get to go live weekly.
  • I created a video explaining those 3 reasons.

And yes, I can do this quickly with any of my past blog posts or valuable lists, tips, ideas, and steps to-do, I've created.

But importantly: so can you!

Do you have content:
....that has resonated well? (IE has received a lot of likes/comments/reactions) ranking on Google? (IE an article or blog post you wrote)
....explains your offer? (IE the "benefits" you share on your website) timely or relevant to "resurrect" and refresh? (IE tips for spring cleaning)

I bet you do.

sharpen your pencil and take notes on simplifying social media by repurposing your content

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

The How: Scratch out notes to guide you if you need prompts.

You don't have to write a script. Chances are if you created the content, you know it. Inside and out.

Rip a page out of the book you may have used in corporate life if you're an escapee like me. Remember doing PowerPoint presentations?

The best ones didn't have a lot of writing on the slides. They had a few words that prompt the speaker to speak authentically and share the information without pause.

So do this: jot down your list/steps/tips on a piece of scrap paper or post-it (or whatever) and GOOOO!

RECOMMENDATION: Carry some Post-its or a tiny notebook with you at all times! (I do)

The When: Anytime.

You don't need a studio, a ring light, or a scheduled event. You CAN use those things. However, for purposes diving into the fastest way to repurpose your content for social media, none of it is necessary.

Grab your phone and go live on any of your favorite social platforms (for me it's usually Facebook, but sometimes Instagram!), or hit the record button to create a video.

Being impromptu is sometimes best IMO. (for what it's worth!) Why? You are inspired and motivated to share RIGHT NOW.

And for me, I love to live my brand. Free At 50 isn't just a blog. It's a lifestyle. It's about being location-independent and owning our time.

So in terms of my Free At 50 life, I tend to hang out around history a lot. In 2021 we moved to the place we used to vacation: Colonial Williamsburg Virginia. Creating videos from the heart of the historic area shares my life and my brand 100%.

RELATED: Read my post about living Free At 50 and starting a 2nd blog by clicking here!

use your brand as a guide when you record videos for repurposing content for social media

Image by Oakywood from Pixabay

The Where: Save, post, share. Continually.

First: let's chat about where to save your video.

Make sure to download it. Once you do that, you can use Groove's video storage (where you can add watermarks and even links!) or pop it into a folder on your laptop, Google drive and so forth.

If you have a YouTube channel like I recently created, add it there! No matter what, make sure save it.

Having it stored where you can readily drop a link to simplifies sharing that video. Forever and ever.

Posting and sharing the video - on social media and beyond:

  • drop it on your business accounts: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X... whatever accounts you have that followers can view it (and want to!).
  • use the video in Facebook groups that allow you to share videos (for me, that's Tracey's group- because I'm not limited to going live, I can add a video as a VIP member)
  • embed it into a blog post (even if you're not a blogger, having articles on your website is fantastic!)
  • embed it into a page on your website or into a landing page
  • send it in an email

woman sitting outdoors with her cell phone where you can post content and record videos for social media

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

Bonus Idea.

Do you love doing videos? How about webinars?

I found a course I want to share. It's for you if any or all of the following apply:

  • You're a coach.
  • You've got a product or service.
  • You love (or want to love) using a webinar for your business.

Check it out.

Closing it out with 3 calls to action.

1) Do a video! And if you do, I want to see it. Message me on Facebook or Instagram!

2) Book a call with me to chat about your presence on social media and utilizing video as a method to repurpose valuable content you've created.

3) Get Groove for FREE and start uploading, customizing, and sharing your videos. Upgrade from free if you need to!

There it is y'all! Video truly is the fastest way to repurpose content for social media.

Are you in?

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